Monday, July 1, 2019

Christmas in July!

Our good friends at OXOliving in Oslo Norway have provided us with an increadible gift: food, lots of really good food!

hm, so this is what 750,000,000 joules of energy looks like...
We arrived in Kablevåg yesterday in a drizzling rain and decided to take shelter inside the local grocery store that doulbles as the town's post counter.  We asked about a package that had been sent to our hosts' address and much to our astonishment the clerk came back with a 5 kilo box stuffed to the brim with energy bars, energy gels, chocolate covered ginger, goji berries, incan berries, electrolyte capsules, coconut chips, flour, and oil!  It was really been like Christmas in July as we unpacked - in amazement - one treasure after another.

Masse god mat!
OXOliving is a purveyor of Ibex meriono wool clothing, teko wool socks, woody shoes, mountainsmith bags, hammer nutrition endurance fuels, navitas natural food, and sunfood superfood. We highly recommend their services for finding high quality tour supplies here in Norway.

We have been struck by the monopoly that the "Maxim" products have in the Norwegian sports nutrition market.  Where in the US we would expect to see dozens of companies competing for shelf space in the super markets, the selection is far more limited here in Norway.  It is encouraging to see that through companies like OXOliving, quality sports food has found its way here to Norway: now it is time to let the secret out!

Thanks Frødis and Wolfgang at OXOliving for the fantastic re-supply, it will keep us super-powering northward for a long ways to come!

Who's excited?