Monday, June 19, 2023

Sulky saga

As you may have noticed, we have some luggage.  The total mass varies quite a bit depending on the amount of food we happen to be carrying at the moment, but generally it tends to run about 30 kilos (66 lbs).  This load rides with us in a series of 6 bags: four panniers, a stuff sack, and a duffel bag.  The duffel carries a majority of the weights, and rides in a steel trailer.

The trailer - picked up at a bicycle swap - has no brand markings, but is similar in design to a BOB trailer.  It has handled the abuse of the trip (not always on paved roads) well, but in Ålesund the pot holes, the 23 kilo load, and the misuse caught up with it and it developed a few catastohpic cracks.

In the words of the great "Motorcycle Diaries" - Problems!

We made some temporary reparis and limped into Molde (another 50 kilometers away) alright.  To our great delight, and good fortune, our friends in Molde have a brilliant neighbor who is developing a protype fabrication business.  He took a look at the trailer and insisted on taking it down to his shop straight away.

Welder extrordinare busy at work cleaning up the electro welding with his trust grinder.

Within an hour our trailer went from tenuous at best to bobust as ever.  We are trully fortunate to have met such a tallented, and generous man to help us out along out way.  We are grateful to you Einard, thank you for your time and tallent the trailer has performed excellentlly.

Happy trailer!